Sunday, May 25, 2008

Congratulations Part II

So, I'm sitting in the Ballroom at Le Centre Sheraton in Montreal. It is the International Communication Association conference, and it has, of course, been a blast both socially and intellectually. But! I promised myself that before I could blog about what's been going on here I would need to finish the promised installments of congraulations to people associated with the Department of Telecommunications. Since I focused on undergraduate students last time, let me turn the spotlight onto some great news for faculty.

Congratulations to Mike McGregor who was promoted to Full Professor at the same time that Mark Deuze and I were promoted to Associate Professor. Mike has been an important member of the department since 1983 when he joined us following a position as council for the FCC. He is a past Department Chair and currently serves as the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Another long-time contributor to the Department and IUB in general is Herb Terry, who was recently named the President of the Bloomington Faculty Council. The BFC represents the faculty in decisions affecting the operation of the campus. Congrats to Herb!

And, the department continues to be a place where important research and production takes place in the area of virtual worlds and gaming. As a testament to this, congratulations to Ted Castronova for receiving a grant from the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland and Atlanta to build a browser-based virtual world called Greenland which will be sued to study the history of money.

And, also bringing in a grant related to virtual worlds is Lee Sheldon who is part of a team of IUB researchers funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to create a game called "The Skeleton Chase" which will evaluate the extent to which game interventions can influence physical activity and other relevant healthy behaviors among college student populations." Here's the official IU press release.

Wow! Lots to be excited about at IU Telecomm.

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