Friday, August 12, 2005

Clear Channel Says 'Thanks'

Well, I heard from one of my co-authors today via email. Todd Chambers has worked with me on several radaio ad clutter studies. Apparently he is in San Antonio at the AEJMC conference. Anyway, today he was on a panel and Clear Channel CEO Mark Mays and John Hogan, President of Clear Channel Radio were respondents.

So, according to Todd (forgive me for cutting and pasting here, Todd)
"...mentioned the clutter study in their remarks to the panel that we were on yesterday. And, came up afterward and thanked me for the study in clutter."

Pretty cool. Of course, we're not sure if they've ever actually read the studies, or just been briefed on them.

And, I'm not exactly sure if they will be interested in the latest studies we've been doing which seem to suggest that their move to 30second commercials rather than 60s may be detrimental. More on that later....

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