Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Dr. Schwartz!!

Back in 1996 I was a graduate student here in Bloomington taking a class--something on research methods in the lab--that met in an old home that IU had bought for departmental use. One of the classmates at the time was Nancy Schwartz. She was a student in Instructional Systems Technology and we had a lot of good times learning how to measure audiences responses to different media.

Anyway, I went on to graduate in 1998 and then to Alabama. Nancy stayed here--eventually joining the IU Telecomm. faculty as a lecturer. She is an excellent teacher and working on up to three classes each semester with her extrodinary detail to prepping, instruction, etc., ate into time she could devote to finishing her dissertation.

She collected data quite awhile ago--physiological and memory data exploring the impact of animation on children's educational computer programs--but was not able to write the darn thing up.

Well, her clock was ticking. . .PhD candidates have only 7 years to complete the program.

But, I'm glad to announce that Nancy is now "Dr. Nancy Schwartz!"

Above is a picture of her (in the tiara!) with Dr. Julia Fox at a party we held to celebrate Nancy's accomplishment.

Congratulations, Dr. Schwartz!

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