Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tenure is scary

I've mentioned in earlier posts that the tenure process is beginning for me here at IU.

For those of you unfamiliar with what that means, I currently hold what's called a "tenure-track, probationary" position. Typically, that means that an Assistant Professor would have six years to work in their Department--developing their classroom teaching and establishing themselves as a developing expert in a certain area of research.

Then, after that six year probationary period, they submit a dossier containing (among other things) all their publications, conference papers, course syllabi, and examples of service such as journal article reviews--departmental committee work, and such. If you really want to read all that is entailed...click here.

For my case, because I spent 5 years on the faculty at the University of Alabama, I will be "going up" after only 3 years here in Bloomington.

And, the process begins for me in ernest this Friday. The first hurdle is for the senior faculty of my department to meet and discuss my record of research, teaching, and service. After that discussion...they vote.

Although I am confident of my record, when you get right down to THE VOTE (the first of many...at various levels upward to eventually the Board of Trustees), it's enough to make anyone a little anxious.

Here's an entertaining article with reader comments (interestingly, this link was forwarded to the Telecomm. faculty...myself included...by one of the senior faculty members who will meet to discuss me and vote on me this Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, Rob!